A downloadable Wargame

Strife: The Scalable Wargame

Strife is what happens when your PCs are in over their head. Are your PCs running from cybernetic assassins in a blacked out urban warzone? Do you need to simulate boarding actions for piracy in the Age of Sail? Do you need a narrative combat system as background for competing organized crime families? Recreating the Battle of the Bulge? Fleet actions in off the Shoulder of Orion? All of these are battles for you to fight and win with Strife, the Roleplaying Wargame.

 Occupying the space between traditional roleplaying games and wargames, Strife allows your PCs to become the commanders of their troops and become responsible for every aspect of the war. No longer do PCs have to be content with a small corner of the battlefield when Strife allows PCs to master the entire war. Designed to be flexible in both scale and detail, Strife is made to simulate dungeon crawls, platoon battles in triple canopy jungle, campaigns between hundreds of thousands of troops lasting months and fleet actions over light seconds of space.

 System agnostic, Strife can be used with any RPG or used as an alternative ruleset for any skirmish or wargame. This complementary game system is accomplished by having each layer of the game build upon previous layers. The simulation builds on the wargame, which builds on the narrative tool. There are also multiple options that are available to expand upon the gameplay for more detail or alternative mechanics. This array of tools is provided allow the GM to have as much, or as little detail as desired.


A setting agnostic rule set to simulate units from prehistory, fantasy, modern or science fiction

Scale agnostic and able to use almost miniatures or any scale of units or counters

A scale-based system for units, time and distance

3D combat using range, altitude and depth Unit skills determine how effective they are at battlefield tasks, not just their combat power

Tactical, Operational or Strategic scale

Hidden movement

Tactical Advantages

Morale and gaining a Moral Victory

NBC warfare

Fire Support

Weather and Terrain

Unit construction rules

A solo mode

Deliberately asymmetrical

Designed to be combined with the Platinum RPG


What this is not:

Balanced for tournament play

Based upon feedback, I am working on some changes regarding unit stacking and attrition.


Strife v 2.pdf 3.9 MB

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